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blue wendy's way butterfly logo

The Better Than Ever Membership


The healthy living membership exclusively for Baby Boomers and Gen Xers will be open again soon.

tick iconFeel good in your own skin again.

tick iconGet your mojo back.

tick iconSmile when you look in the mirror.


We can’t go back in time, but we can be Better than Ever!

Silhouette of woman in yoga tree pose
Silhouette of woman posing with flexed biceps
Silhouette of woman stretching with arms reaching behind her

Join us if any of the following resonate with you


  • You’ve always been fit and healthy, but what you used to do just isn’t working anymore, and you don’t know why. You do know you can’t keep putting more time & effort into your workouts and the thought of going on another diet sends shivers down your spine.
  • You think you’re doing all the right things, but there’s so much conflicting information, you’re really not sure. Eat this, not that; don’t eat before or after a certain time of day; do this workout, not that one, etc.
  • You know what you should do, but you’re just not doing it, for whatever reason. It all feels harder than ever, and your motivation keeps dropping off. It’s easier to just give up than start all over again.
  • You’ve tried all the diet & weight loss programs, pills & supplements, and you know they don’t work. You’re sick of restricted eating, feeling hungry and deprived – it’s time for something different.
  • Your body’s changing, or has changed, and you just want to be happy in your own skin again. How good would it feel to like what you see in the mirror, instead of cringeing and feeling embarrassed?
Wendy standing casually hands in pockets

Hi, I’m Wendy.

I’ve been coaching women to better health for 9 years now. And I’d love to help you experience the same joy as my most successful clients and members.

Most people quit diet and lifestyle programs because they try to do it all at once, and that’s just too hard to do in the real world.

The secret to making progress is consistently taking small steps. And having support along the way.

The Better than Ever membership will help you set realistic goals and give you the skills, tools & support you need as you work towards them.

Together we’ll figure out what works best for you.

You’ll keep moving forward, and getting Better than Ever!

Wendy helped me to finally get my head around the idea that foods aren’t “good” or “bad.” I used to think that I had to cut out chocolate and ice cream when I was on a diet, but then I just craved them all the time! That made me feel like I wasn’t strong enough, like I should have more willpower or something.

I’m back in control and I enjoy eating healthy now. I don’t feel like I’m missing out on anything, thanks to Wendy’s guidance, her fantastic recipes, and the common-sense wisdom she shares.


Qld, Australia

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and be first to be notified when we re-open the doors

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